Understanding the Admin View of the Workspace

Learn the difference between the Admin view and Teammate view of a workspace.

The Different Workspace Views for Admins and Teammates

Admins have specific capabilities that teammates do not. One of them includes the ability to see all projects within a workspace even if they did not create them or were not invited to them.

Teammates will only see projects that they created or were invited to within a workspace.

However, admins have the ability to see all projects created within a workspace. Because of this, admins will also see a Projects Filter at the top of their dashboard.

This enables them to choose between seeing:

  • All Projects: See every active project created by any user, regardless of if they were invited or not.
  • My Projects: See only projects they have created or have been invited to.

This enables admins to have a passive view of projects without being directly involved with them With the All Projects view, they can open projects they have not been invited to, review their progress, and even leave comments for the team. However, because they have not been invited to the project, they will not receive email notifications for that project.

To learn more about the difference between admins and teammates, click here.

Using the Projects Filter on the Global Calendar and Task List

When an admin sets their preference for the All Projects filter, it will carry through to the Global Calendar and Global Task List, showing them all projects in the workspace or only projects they are a member of.

To learn more about filtering projects using project folders, click here.

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