How to Add Tasks to Your Project

Learn how to build and manage task lists within your projects.

Tasks in Assemble

Assemble utilizes tasks to keep track of what your team is working on.  Tasks appear in your task list and on your calendar, and can be created in one of two ways:

1) Open your project and click Add a Task on your project dashboard. 

2) Open your project, click Calendar to open your project calendar.

Next, click anywhere on the calendar to create a task. You can also click and drag to create multi-day tasks.

Tasks will always appear on both your calendar and your task list, unless they don't have an assigned date, in which case they will only appear on your task list.

Adding Tasks from your Project Dashboard

When you first open your project, you will see the Project Dashboard with today's events and tasks. To create a task, click Add a Task to enter the quick task creation.

Start by entering a Title for your task.

Next, click the Person Icon to assign the task to one or multiple teammates.

Click Add Phase to choose which phase this task will be associated with.

Click the Due Date button to add a deadline for the task.

If you'd like to view all task options, click More Options to open up the task details.

From here, you can add Notes to the task, such as descriptions, URLs, etc.

You can edit both the Start Date and End Date to create a multi-day task.

For single day events, you can also click Add Time to add a start and end time to the task.

Adding Subtasks

Within each task, you can add as many subtasks as you'd like. Start by clicking Add a Subtask and entering a title.

Next, click the Person assign the subtask to one or multiple team members.

Select a Due Date.

Click Create to add the subtask.

You can edit the task name, assignee, and date at any time by hovering each Icon on the task list. Delete a subtask by hovering the subtask and clicking the Trash icon.

Commenting on Tasks

To leave comments, open a task and click Add a Comment. Type your comment and click Publish to add the comment. All users who have permission to view the task will be notified of your comment in-app and via email.

To mention a teammate in a comment, either click the icon at the bottom of the comment field and select from a list of teammates, or just type on your keyboard to pull up the list of teammates in-line.  Once you tag a teammate and publish the comment, they will be sent an in-app and email notification. 

Task Privacy Settings

You can also select the privacy settings by clicking the Visible To section.  This will bring up a dropdown list of the Teams in your project.  Select the Teams that you want this task to be visible to. 

If you remove a Team from a task that has users assigned to the task or subtasks, all users on this Team will automatically be removed from the assigned tasks or subtasks.

To learn more about creating private tasks, click here.

Changing the Status of Tasks

To change the status of a task, click the Not Started button and select a status from the drop down menu.

Viewing and Sorting your Tasks

Within the task lists you will see some basic information displayed for each task.

This information includes:

  • Task name
  • Task phase (either the name of the phase, or a colored bar indicating which phase it is a part of)
  • Status
  • Number of subtasks due and subtasks completed (i.e. 3/5 and also indicated with a green circle showing your progress until completion)
  • Task assignees
  • Due date
  • Amount of days remaining until the due date

To change the sorting of your tasks, click Sort By and select an option.

There are three options for sorting your tasks:

  • Phase: This will sort your tasks first by project phase, and then chronologically within each phase.

  • Date: This will sort your tasks chronologically by date, and also break the dates into Past, Today, Upcoming and Later.

  • Priority: This will sort your tasks by priority, in the following order:
    • Priority
    • On Hold
    • In Progress
    • Not Started
    • Done

You can click on any section within the task sorting to collapse it.

Additionally, you can choose to hide or show completed tasks by clicking Sort By, and then toggling Hide Completed on or off. If turned on, any tasks marked as Done will be automatically hidden.

Finally, you can choose to filter your task list by user. Just click Assigned To and select the user whose tasks you want to view.

Assemble will remember your sorting and hide preferences and display them across all projects.

Utilizing the Global Task List

Your Global Task List allows you to see all tasks across all projects. To access the Global Task List, exit your project to the Projects Page. At the top of the screen, select Tasks.

To learn more about the global task list, click here.

Deleting a Task

To delete a task, just open the task and click the Three Dot Menu at the top right, then click Delete.

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