Adding Phases to your Project

Learn how to add Phases in order to organize your project.

Adding Phases to your Project

Phases can be added or removed from your Project at any time, as needed.  To add a phase, click the + symbol in the left-hand column beside Phases.

This will open the Create Phase screen.  Here you can add a NameDescription, and choose a Color for the phase.

When you're finished adding phases, click Done to return to your project. You will now see your Phases listed in the lefthand sidebar, and can begin adding files to it.

Reordering Phases

You can reorder your phases at any time by simply dragging and dropping them within the sidebar.

Editing Phases

You can edit your phases at any time by clicking the Phase and then clicking the Three Dot Menu that appears next to the Phase name, and then clicking Edit Phase. This will enable you to update the NameDescription and Color.

You can also access this option with the Three Dot Menu in the top right of the phase folder.

Deleting a Phase

Select the phase you wish to delete in the left column of your project, hover over it, and click the Three Dot menu that appears, then select Delete Phase.

You can also delete a phase by opening the phase and selecting the Three Dot menu in the top right corner of the screen, then selecting Delete Phase.

IMPORTANT: Deleting a phase will permanently remove all of the assets within that phase. There is no way to recover these assets.

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