Downloading Files & Managing Download Permissions

Learn how to download files from your Assemble projects and control which files can be downloaded.

Downloading Assets in Assemble

When you upload any file, by default they will be set as downloadable.

To download any of these files, open the file and click the Download Icon in the top right corner of the file viewer.

  • Assets will download automatically directly from the file player.
  • Galleries will be zipped into a file and emailed directly to your account email address.
  • Submissions will be zipped into a file and emailed directly to your account email address.
  • Documents will be exported as a PDF.

Setting Download Permissions for Collaborators

To choose whether any file can be downloaded for logged-in users, open the file and click the Share button in the top right corner and select Invite Collaborators.

In the share settings, underneath the viewing permissions, you will see a Download option. By default, the download option will be set to on. Turn this option off to disable downloads for the file.

Setting Download Permissions for Review Links

You can also enable or disable downloads when sharing a review link of a file.

Open the file and click Share, then select Share Review Link. 

In the review link Settings you will see the option to Enable Download. Select or de-select this option to enable or disable downloads for the review link.

NOTE: Changing the download permissions for a review link will not change the download permissions for logged-in collaborators as mentioned in the section above.

When an external user accesses a review link:

  • Assets will download automatically directly from the file player.
  • Galleries will be zipped into a file and emailed directly to the user. The user will be prompted to enter their email address before the download can begin.
  • Submissions will be zipped into a file and emailed directly to the user. The user will be prompted to enter their email address before the download can begin.
  • Documents will be exported as a PDF.

Download Permissions of New Versions

When you upload a new version of an asset to an existing asset, it will automatically inherit the download permission settings of the prior version.

To learn more about uploading new versions, click here.

Killing Active Download Links

When a user selects to download a Gallery or Submission an email is sent to their email address with a link to download the files. This link is active for 14 days.

However, if you disable downloads for a Gallery or Submission these links will automatically be killed, and the user will no longer be able to access the link.

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