Sorting Comments

Learn how to sort comments based on your preferences.

How to Sort Comments

To sort comments on an asset, click the Filter options at the top of the comment thread and select from one of three options.

  • Oldest: Comments will be sorted with the oldest comments appearing at the bottom of the feedback thread. This is the default sorting option.
  • Newest: Comments will be sorted with the newest comments appearing at the bottom of the feedback thread.
  • Timecode: Comments will be sorted chronologically by timecode. This sorting option is only available on video and audio files.

Show or Hide Comments Marked as Complete

You can also choose whether to show or hide comments that are marked as completed. To change this setting, open the Filter menu and toggle on or off Show Completed.

To learn more about marking comments as complete, click here.

Saving Sort & Filter Preferences

Once you have updated your sort and filter preferences, they will automatically remain in effect for you across all projects.

These sort and filter options are a personal setting only. Changing the preferences will only affect your account, and will not change the settings for other users. By default, all other users will be set to the Oldest sorting option, and Show Completed toggled on.

To learn more about leaving feedback on assets, click here.

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