Sharing Feedback Between Private Feedback Threads

Learn how to share comments from one private feedback thread to another.

Sharing Feedback

To share feedback from one private feedback thread to another, hover over the comment you'd like to share in the feedback thread and click on the Share icon that appears in the top right corner.

A pop-up will appear with several options.  

First, select the Team you wish to share the comment with from the Select Team dropdown.

Next, you can choose from a number of options:

  • Hide Username: This setting enables you to hide the usernames of all users within the comment once it is shared over to another team.

  • Include Replies: Unchecking this setting enables you to hide the chain of replies from the master comment.

Once you've clicked Share the comment will be shared directly with the other team. If the comment includes a markup, it will be shared also.

To learn more about markups, click here.

You can also share an individual reply within a comment thread. To do so, find the comment you'd like to share within the comment thread, and then click the Share icon for that comment.

To learn more about private feedback threads, click here.

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