Using Project Templates
Learn how to save your projects as re-usable templates.
Saving Project Templates
Assemble enables you to save entire projects - including calendars, task lists, folder structure, document templates, teams and permissions - into re-usable templates that you can use to kickstart future projects.
Once you've created a project, you can take a snapshot of the project at any moment in time and save it as a project template.
To save a project template, click the Three-Dot Menu at the top of your lefthand sidebar, and then select Save as Template.
On the next screen, add a Title to your template and an optional Description. You can also upload a Thumbnail for your template if you'd like.
Next, choose which elements of the project you want to save within the template:
- Calendar & Tasks: Saves your entire calendar including all of your phases, tasks, subtasks and milestones.
- Folders & Document Templates: Saves your phases and subfolders, as well as any document templates within your project. If you would like to only save your folder structure, click Advanced Options and deselect Document Templates.
NOTE: In order to include document templates, you must first save each document in your project as a document template.
To learn more about saving document templates, click here.
- Teams & Permissions: Saves your Teams, as well as all of the permissions you have set for phases, subfolders and tasks.
Lastly, choose if you'd like to save this template as a:
- Personal Template: Only visible to you.
- Workspace Template: Visible to every teammate in your workspace.
Once you're done, click Save Template to save this project as a template.
Using Project Templates
To access your templates, navigate to the Project Dashboard and then click the Templates tab. Here you will see all of your templates.
You can also click All Templates to filter by Personal Templates or Workspace Templates.
Additionally, you can click New Project, and then select the Personal Templates tab to access your personal template library, or Workspace Templates to access the shared workspace templates.
Click on a Template to open it. You will see a preview page showing you what is included in the template.
Click Use This Template to begin a new project.
On the next screen, enter your Project Name, Company Name and Start Date.
When you select a start date, your entire calendar will be built based on this start date. The Estimated End Date will show you the day your project will be complete based on the template's length.
Add a Company Logo if you'd like, and then click Start New Project.
On the next screen, you'll see all of the project Phases.
You can click on a phase to open it up and see all the associated Tasks, along with the date they will be due based on the project start date. You will also see the duration of each task.
If you don't need a specific phase, click the Checkmark on the phase to remove it from the project. All associated tasks will also be removed from the project.
NOTE: Removing a phase will not affect any of the other task due dates on the calendar.
Once you're done with phases, click Next.
On the next screen, you can invite teammates from your workspace.
Once you're finished, click Done to start your project.
Your entire project has been setup utilizing the project template. If you have saved all elements within the template, then your entire calendar, task list, folder structure, document templates, teams and user permissions will all be pre-built for you.
Overwriting Project Templates
If you want to update a template, you can overwrite it at any time with new project data. Just open the project that you would like to use to overwrite the template, and then click the Three-Dot Menu at the top of the lefthand sidebar and select Save as Template.
On the next screen, click Overwrite Existing and then select the Template you would like to overwrite from the dropdown menu.
On the next screen, the template will preload with all of the project data. Make any changes you'd like, and then click Save Template. The template will be updated with all of the current project's data.
Deleting Project Templates
To delete a template, navigate to the Project Dashboard and select the Templates tab.
Hover over the Template you would like to delete and click the Three-Dot Menu in the top-right corner. Select Delete Template to permanently delete this template.