Using Document Templates

Learn how to save your documents as re-usable templates.

Saving Document Templates

To save a document as a template, click the Three-Dot Menu in the top right of the document creator and select Save as Template.

Next, click New Template, and then press Continue.

On the following screen, enter the Title and Description of your template.

Next, choose if you'd like to save this template as a:

  • Personal Template: Only visible to you.
  • Workspace Template: Visible to every teammate in your workspace.

Once you're done, click Save Template. The template has now been saved into your template library.

To learn more about creating a document, click here.

Using Document Templates

To open a document template, navigate into any Phase folder and click Add, then select Document.

On the next screen, you will see the option to select a template from the Community, which is a curated selection of publicly available templates.

Click Personal Templates to access your personal templates, or Workspace Templates to access templates shared by your workspace, and then choose the template you would like to open.

Next, you will see a preview of the template. Click Use Template to open the template.

A new document will be created using this template. You can now edit and customize it for your unique project needs.

Overwriting Document Templates

By default, editing a document template will not change the original template. If you would like to update the original template, you can overwrite it with any new document.

To do this, open the document and click the Three Dot Menu, then select Save as Template.

On the next screen, choose Overwrite Template. Search for the template you would like to overwrite, then click it and press Continue.

On the following screen, you can edit the Title and Description of the existing template. Once you're done, click Save Template.

Your template has now been overwritten with the new document.

Deleting Document Templates

To delete a document template, navigate to any Phase folder and click Add, then select Document.

On the next screen, select Personal Templates or Workspace Templates, then hover over the document you would like to delete and a Trash Can Icon will appear.

Click this and then select Delete on the next screen to permanently delete the template.

To learn about saving document templates within project templates, click here.

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