Sharing Review Links of Documents

Learn how to share review links of your documents to collaborate with external users.

Sharing a Review Link

Once you've created a document within Assemble, you can share it as a public review link, enabling external users to collaborate and review the document with no Assemble account required.

To share a review link of your document, click Share and then select Share Document Link to open up the review link settings.

From this menu, you can set the options for your review link.

  • Edit File Name: Change the name of the document for the review link. This will not change the name of the file within Assemble.
  • Track Views: This will enable you to track who has viewed the document and when by requiring each viewer enter their email address before viewing.
  • Enable Downloads: Enable users to download a PDF export of the document
  • Add Password Protection: Add a password that must be entered before anyone can view the review link.
  • Share as Presentation: By default, a review link of a document will be fully collaborative, allowing external users to edit the document, leave comments and change the status without the need for an Assemble account. Selecting this option will make your document view only, removing the ability to edit, comment or approve and providing a clean, minimalist presentation view.
  • Custom Email: Send a custom subject line and email message with your review link.
  • Publish as Template: Enable external viewers to save the document as a template for future use.

Once you have selected the appropriate options, click Create Link to generate a share link. You can copy and paste this URL, or enter an email address to send the link via email from Assemble.

Tracking Who Has Viewed a Review Link

Under the Sharing tab you will see a list of all emails the link has been shared with, and a timer showing how long ago it was shared with them. You will also receive an email notification each time a new viewer views a review link.

When someone has viewed a review link, a green checkmark will appear and the timer will now show how long ago they last viewed the link.

Viewing and Leaving Feedback on Review Links

When an external user opens a document review link, by default they will be able to view and edit the document without creating an Assemble account. You are able to view these users in real time via the User Icons in the toolbar. Users that are anonymously viewing or editing the document are listed as Anonymous.

If a user attempts to leave a comment or change the status of the document, they will be prompted to enter their Name so Assemble can keep a record of who left the comments or changed the status.

Once they have entered a name, their User Icon will be updated to reflect their name.

With Presentation Mode turned on, users can view a document but will be unable to edit the document, leave comments or change the status.

Review Link Feedback Thread

When a Review Link is created, an additional feedback thread is added to the document within your Assemble project. Any feedback that is left on this Review Link by any viewer will be collected here.

This allows you to keep all feedback from the review link organized and separate from your internal Assemble collaborators. 

NOTE: Each file can only have one Private Review Link. 

To learn more about private feedback threads, click here.

Updating a Review Link

To update the review link settings at any time, open the file and click Share, then Share Document Link.

Click the Settings tab to make any necessary changes and then click Update Link

These settings will automatically be reflected across the review links for this file, with no need to re-share the link.

Deleting a Review Link

To delete a review link, open the document and click Share, then Share Document Link.

From this menu, click the Trash Can icon to delete the review link.

This will delete the link permanently, along with all review link comments, and remove any user's ability to access it.

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