Types of Files in Assemble

Learn about the four different types of files in Assemble.

What Can I Add to Assemble?

Assemble accepts all file and media types, including all popular media files, project files, RAW files, word processing docs, spreadsheets and any other type of file.

In addition, you can add a link to any external website or app.

Types of Files in Assemble

Before adding files, you need to decide which file type makes the most sense for your needs. Assemble has four different file types with their own unique benefits:

  • Assets: Assets are individual files. Assets are considered self-contained, individual assets and will come with version control so that you can manage versions throughout the life of the project. 

  • NOTE: You can bulk upload individual assets by selecting 'Assets' and then uploading multiple files at once. Each file will be uploaded as an individual asset.

To learn more about uploading individual assets, click here.

  • Gallery: A gallery is a collection of assets, such as a photo gallery. Galleries can be a combination of any types of assets (i.e. photos, videos and other files) and will be combined into a shareable gallery format with scroll arrows and thumbnail navigation. Galleries do not have version control.

To learn more about creating galleries, click here.

  • Bookmarks: You can also add a link to any external website or app.

To learn more about adding bookmarks, click here.

  • Submissions: Submissions enable you to create a spec (such as a description for a casting role), and then submit multiple submissions for approval. You can think of submissions as a gallery of galleries.

To learn more about adding submissions, click here.

Uploading your Files

To upload a file, select which phase you'd like to add your asset to in the column on the left side of your project. 

Next, click the box + Add button in the top right corner of the screen. From here, you can select which type of file you want to add.

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